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December 7, 2014
Marketing Idea No. 294: Our love affair with “Brainstorming” and why there is always heartache at the end of this rainbow

In a famous book published in 1948 called “Your Creative Power”, Alex Osborn, a partner in the legendary advertising agency B.B.D.O. talked about a mysterious, never heard before process regarding “How to Organize a Squad to Create Ideas”. He mentioned that when a group tackles a creative problem, all the members should engage in this...

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November 14, 2014
Marketing Idea No. 288 – Un-labelling: How brand packaging is embracing extreme minimalism

Packaging was always the last ditch effort to communicate brand cues, category cues, product benefits and unique selling proposition. But a growing trend around the world is showing brands moving packaging beyond the purely visual into the primary touch-point of an emotionally resonant experience that creates trust, loyalty, differentiation and desire. And the way they...

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October 26, 2014
Marketing Idea No. 285: Why Transient strategy is the excuse you need to not debate over Long term vs Short Term strategy

One of the ancient contradictions of management is long term thinking vs short term thinking. Usually during the yearly strategy plan meetings, all managers magically become long term thinkers, at least on the PowerPoint slides. Then comes the quarterly reviews and the only thing they care about is short term results. Budgets are approved based...


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